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英文名称 中文名称 CAS
Etidronic Acid 羟基乙叉二膦酸 2809-21-4
TM-700 crude oil demulsifier TM-700原油破乳剂
TM-108 defoamer TM-108消泡剂
2-Phosphonobutane-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid 2-膦酸丁烷-1,2,4-三羧酸 37971-36-1
TM-308 defoamer TM-308消泡剂
TM-904B hot water boiler oxygen scavenger TM-904B热水锅炉除氧剂
TM-903 boiler feed water oxygen scavenger TM-903锅炉给水除氧剂
TM-114 closed circuit system pre-filming agent TM-114闭路系统专用预膜剂
TM-350 matting agent TM-350消光剂
TM-150 Membrane Chemicals TM-150膜用化学品
TM-7010 TM-7010
TM-191 Membrane Chemicals TM-191膜用化学品
TM-901A steam boiler oxygen scavenger TM-901A蒸汽锅炉除氧剂
TM-210 plastic film opening agent TM-210塑料薄膜开口剂
TM-323 scale inhibitor and dispersant TM-323阻垢分散剂
TM-610 corrosion and scale inhibitor TM-610缓蚀阻垢剂
TM-761 oil field clearing agent TM-761油田清蜡剂
TM-814 stable chlorine dioxide TM-814稳定性二氧化氯
TM-740 crude oil flow improver TM-740原油流动改进剂
TM-613 scale inhibitor and dispersant TM-613阻垢分散剂
TM-807 high-efficiency broad-spectrum fungicide TM-807高效广谱杀菌剂
TM-313 scale inhibitor and dispersant TM-313阻垢分散剂
TM-730 Oilfield Fungicide TM-730油田杀菌剂
TM-820 slime stripper TM-820粘泥剥离剂
TM-802 bactericidal algicide TM-802杀菌灭藻剂
TM-623 scale inhibitor and dispersant TM-623阻垢分散剂
TM-309 closed circuit water corrosion inhibitor TM—309闭路水缓蚀剂
TM-329 scale inhibitor and dispersant TM-329阻垢分散剂
TM-750 crude oil viscosity reducer TM-750原油降粘剂
TM-812 high efficiency fungicide TM-812高效杀菌剂
TM-809 efficient fungicide TM-809高效杀菌剂
POLY(MALEIC ANHYDRIDE) 聚马来酸酐 24937-72-2
Inhibitor 缓蚀剂
Polyquaternary ammonium salt sterilization algaecide 聚季胺盐杀菌灭藻剂
TM-710 Oilfield Corrosion Inhibitor TM-710油田缓蚀剂
TM-831 oxidation type fungicide TM-831氧化型杀菌剂
TM-604 polyacrylic acid (sodium) TM-604聚丙烯酸(钠)
Phosphorus-free corrosion and scale inhibitor 无磷缓蚀阻垢剂
TM-301 cleaning agent TM-301清洗剂
TM-180 inkjet material adsorbent TM-180喷墨材料吸附剂
TM-720 oilfield scale inhibitor TM-720油田阻垢剂
Deemulsifier 破乳剂
Boiler oxygen scavenger 锅炉除氧剂
TM-368 corrosion and scale inhibitor TM—368缓蚀阻垢剂
TM-324 scale inhibitor and dispersant TM-324阻垢分散剂
TM-901B steam boiler scale inhibitor TM-901B蒸汽锅炉阻垢剂
TM-0100 reverse osmosis membrane special scale inhibitor and dispersant TM-0100反渗透膜专用阻垢分散剂
High polymeric scale dispersant 高聚合物阻垢分散剂
TM-809B high efficiency fungicide TM-809B高效杀菌剂
TM-7017 flocculation scale inhibitor TM—7017絮凝阻垢剂
TM-817 bactericidal algaecide TM-817杀菌灭藻剂
TM-350L matting agent TM-350L消光剂
Germicide,industrial 杀菌剂 203645-65-2
Cleaning agent 清洗剂
Sodium dichloroisocyanurate 优氯净 2893-78-9
Metal surface treatment agent 金属表面处理剂
TM-901 boiler feed water oxygen scavenger TM-901锅炉给水除氧剂
TM-2000 film dispersant TM-2000膜用分散剂
TM-200 thickening anti-settling agent TM-200增稠抗沉剂
Sodium polyacrylate 聚丙烯酸钠 9003-04-7
TM-625 Phosphated Polymaleic Acid Scale Inhibitor TM-625膦化聚马来酸阻垢分散剂
New phosphorus-free corrosion and scale inhibitor 新型无磷缓蚀阻垢剂
TM-770 crude oil defoamer TM-770原油消泡剂
Circulating water fungicide 循环水杀菌剂
TM-7004 polyquaternary ammonium salt sterilization algaecide TM-7004聚季胺盐杀菌灭藻剂
Aluminum chlorohydrate 净水剂 1327-41-9
TM-904A hot water boiler scale inhibitor TM-904A热水锅炉阻垢缓蚀剂




网址: https://www.chemicalbook.com/ShowSupplierProductsList18606/0.htm

产品总数: 69



